Music changes your environment. Different kinds of music can be used to set an ambiance or a quality to any setting and Music is often used in this way. I now see the beautiful benefits to this...and I am happily moved by it. Last night I was engulfed in a Musical celebration which included MUCH Vibration. I watched my brave and talented friends perform their Bellydancing routines, all the while thinking about the history of Bellydance itself and contemplating that this form of dance is deeply meaningful and the "shimmy" is not an accidental creation but a magnificent and powerful message-maker. What was so fascinating about the shimmy? I could feel the energy in the room increase with each one. Movement and Music combined are very intoxicating...add to this sentimentality and you have a recipe for disaster or peace. But either way, it is POWERFUL!
let us look up some more definitions for further analysis on Vibration and Shimmy.
vi·brate (v
v. vi·brat·ed, vi·brat·ing, vi·brates
1. To move back and forth or to and fro, especially rhythmically and rapidly. See Synonyms at swing.
2. To feel a quiver of emotion.
3. To shake or move with or as if with a slight quivering or trembling motion: "Even as the film moved . . . to the more deadly fields of Vietnam, old hatreds vibrated in me" (Loudon Wainwright).
4. To produce a sound; resonate.
5. To fluctuate or waver in making choices
The shortest path here is to say that Vibrations are movement. To "shimmy" in a dance routine means to vibrate rapidly and "abnormally". It does often feel abnormal to shimmy but also it is not easy to do and requires effort, practice and physical preparation to achieve a shimmy. A true Shimmy does not look looks amazing! These wonderful vibrations lift the energy around us all. Most beautiful art forms possess this unique quality. I wish that more people would learn to feel the change that happens when Vibrations lift the spiritual energy around them. Some people are aware of such changes and others don't seem to notice them at all. Other forms of vibration that change the energy in an environment are from sound, temperature, light and the sensations we feel when we are touched (or not touched). I believe that each of these areas holds the key to greater satisfaction in life.
I advise everyone to seek many vibrations, be them music, light, heat, touch, smell, movement or whatever you like. Remember that your thoughts have a vibration and so when you think, make it productive and happy. Try not to allow yourself to mentally dwell on negative things because if you do you will only prolong their visit. Think instead about lofty things...bigger than life dreams and pleasant experiences you LOVE. Each day as I relax into my meditation I instantly arrive at Crawford Notch (NH) and I see this place where the mountains are divided by a lonely highway. There are green hilly, mountainous spaces everywhere I look and the only light is from the powder blue sky. I immediately travel (by air) overhead to land gracefully in the Pemi River. Smooth rocks cradle my feet in the freezing water. Forest surrounds me and there are no people anywhere in sight. It is my (Mental) strolls up the Pemi River that allow me to deeply examine my desires and my concerns. From this place I create vibration with my thoughts and wishes for those whom I love and adore. The vibration intensifies as I offer my gratitude for each lovely sensory experience that I have been blessed to have this day, and more vibration still for the ones I dream of having in days to come.
remember that your thoughts are powerful. They will manifest. My vibration of Love and Desire to be a part of my friends and family's Bellydancing Event manifested for me through a much loved friend! I know she was tuned into the same frequency, because had she not been, I would have missed it completely! Here's to Liz...and to all of you. Thanks for reading my Blog!
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