Because of my interest in Nature, Holistic Healing and Organic Products, I was able to find a home among one of the top Organic Haircare Company's in the country. The most exciting part of my experience was that I was already writing my Personal Blogs and being active in social Networks like Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook...and then I was simultaneously writing my blogspot blogs and my Thoughts.com blogs. I created activities and used Facebook to publicize them and learned the ins and outs of how to use Facebook to reach people and how to use the right phrasing to capture my target audience. I suppose, these attributes would make for an exciting career in advertising. It's a little different though. Advertising as an Industry is a much broader and bigger and far more competitive world then Social Network Marketing or Blogging. The Blog-Writer gets to maintain their passion and be creative in a more independent way. But as with all things, if you want to get scooped up, you need to deliver something that the corporations need or want. For me...I demonstrate my abilities through enthusiasm for participating and for their products, Skill at writing and researching topics, and eagerness to stick with it!
Here is what I did to get started:
1. First, I Created Personal Blogs based on certain Subject matter. For example, I have four personal Blogs. One is about living life through the Law of Attraction or "The Secret". One blog follows the career path of my daughter who is a youth actress. One Blog follow child development using my son. The fourth Blog is about kabbalah.
2. Next, I monetized these blogs with Adsense by Google. I can potentially earn money if people visit my site and click through to advertisements they see there.
3. I registered for Blog jobs on any and all sites I can find
4. I read other people's blogs...and I read about Bloggers who are successful. What did they do? How do they capture the audience and get the following ot people who will finance their journey?
5. I am working on Branding. It is important to have a brand or no one will know what you are trying to share with the world. Anyone can write, so what are you writing about? What matters to you and to others?
6. Comment. Comment on Twitter...Facebook...on Blogs and Forum sites. Look at your favorite company websites. Are they hiring? Could you find a way to get in? If you love what you are talking about then you will succeed in time.
Ultimately, my way "in" as a Blog writer happened this way: I became curious one day in August of 2011 in finding a line of beauty products that were chemical-free, all-natural and organic. I discovered Morrocco Method.
Here is their link:
I browsed and read from their website and then I placed an order. I then "followed" them on Twitter and that same day "Liked" their Facebook page. I joined the Facebook and Twitter discussions immediately with comments and feedback while I was waiting to receive my order and then after I used the products. I was impressed with them when I received my first shipment and found there was much enclosed literature to further inspire my passion to continue with them from a customer standpoint. It was very exciting to meet a company with their zeal for using Natural products and doing their best for the environment.
I discovered their Blog pages. They have two of them. One can be found at the above link. Here is the other:
I researched about Anthony Morrocco and who he was, and why he founded the company. I then began to follow the blogs as a reader, leaving comments as I found points of interest. On their Facebook Page I saw an advertisement that they were looking for people to go to local healthfood stores and set-up a table to show and demo and discuss Morrocco Method Products. They called it "The Ambassador Program". I wrote to them explaining how my years in Avon Leadership qualified me for such a job as this and that I would be delighted to share my newfound passion for their products with my community. Unfortunately it was not meant to be. As it turned out, their Ambassador Program had targeted several areas for expansion but Rhode Island was not one of them. I was disappointed but continued with being a happy customer and sharing links to their facebook page or tweeting about them. I even wrote in my Daughter's Actors Blog about how Morrocco Method was improving her personal appearance (her hair).
The lines of communication were wide open between me and Morrocco Method and they (if they were watching...and they were) observed my enthusiasm and propriety and perhaps my writing ability since I was commenting and had written them a letter of interest once. And a few weeks after I was turned down for the Ambassador Program, I received an email inviting me to participate in an online screening to qualify as a potential contributor to their Blog and other types of Social Media and Networking. Until that moment I had not even realized that I had acquired these skills..of being more than a marketing maven but being a real connector...a Social Networker extraordinaire! And I wasn't a bad writer either...LOL
In a few weeks, I was given assignments. They started me with a few hours a week and gave me topics and then assignments varied until we are where we are now. It has only been a few months with Morrocco Method but I love what I am doing with them. We are developing a rhythm and rapport with one another and they are allowing me to find my niche and empowering me to develop a voice that really delivers their message. I can be a vehicle for their message and in doing so I am not in violation of my own value system because what they believe and do...inspires me. If I can inspire others to come to their website and consider their line of natural and organic products...then I feel that my work and my passions are balanced!
I hope this has given you some ideas on how you may grow your own Paid Blogging Career.
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