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First, and above all, there is LOVE. Love is everywhere and it is everything. What you love is always with you and near you and around you. What (or whom) you love is always present in each moment and each decision and each thought. Anything and Anyone you give love to is an act of SHARING LIFE. It is our duty to love...far and wide...to love freely, and not because someone is worthy or forgiven or perfect, but because LOVE is the only thing that heals...receiving love and giving it. Love your neighbor as yourself...SO MUCH MORE you must love those closer than a neighbor and those who you passionately love or those you have loved in the past.
There are many stumbling blocks to LOVE. We hold back, become afraid or just forget to live in the moment and let that love flow. There are many moments I can now recall that I would like to infuse with more passion, less fear and more LOVE. But the past plays no role in life except to hold us back and so we must forever look at where we are in this moment and breathe deeply. If you love me, smell the lilacs for there I will be, my essence will be there. I am no longer the Cherry Blossom, but the rare flower that blooms only two weeks a year and smells sweeter than any other. So we must all go forward and identify with our true selves and let ourselves be who we want to be and who we love to be. That is where we will find true happiness.
Happiness, by the way, is not the goal. Happiness is a byproduct of hard work and effort put in. Pride in ourselves for doing the hard work brings happiness. Love from a friend or child or stranger will bring us happiness. Growing in wisdom and knowledge will definitely create happiness. And standing confidently in your happy place, your happy garden...will bring you the most unrelenting happiness imaginable. You could be sick or poor or unfortunate, but all those..who are...they still have a choice to be HAPPY or not. They do not have to give up moving forward but forward will never come to the miserable and angry who lack love. LOVE is your calling. Love what you do...love who you do it for...love why you do it, but KNOW why you do it. Why do you go to work everyday? Why do you work where you do? Why do you toil and sweat and struggle? WHAT OR WHO ARE YOU LIVING EACH DAY FOR?
These are the questions...to which there are no easy answers.
I live for my children. They are my pride, my joy, my happiness, my future and my past all wrapped in two little life forms that I adore more than I love anything or anyone else on the planet. I love my children and they are the seed from which my life energy goes out into the world to create anything and everything that I create. If I do not fill myself with LOVE, then there is nothing good to be created from my energy...it will be toil and waste. Anything I build, or any work I do will bring me dissatisfaction. But when I fill myself daily with LOVE through meditation and yoga and essentially prayer, there I come out purposeful. Then I can create a wonderful life for myself and there I am creating it now and have been for close to a year now. 2011 was not easy but it was productive for me personally. January of 2011 was confusing and emotional. January 2012 is inspiring and busy and focus-driven. I have even managed to lose close to 10 lbs since Christmas! I amaze myself everyday by proving that what I am sharing right now is TRUE and it is the great SECRET of life.
The greatest secret in life has to do with the story we are creating in our minds...for most of us it is a story with many limitations. When we cast those off...the belief that there is limitation...then we really soar. There is no limit to what we can create, have, accomplish...except that which we believe. I have an illness. Doctors say I will always have it. I say no...I will not. I will use my shear will and faith to overcome it and someday I will see no more sign of it. Even at the writing of this I am experiencing difficult symptoms, but I will still play and run and exercise and smile and share and show love and kindness to everyone and NOT focus any energy on its annoyances. And so, I shall overcome it, first in my mentality about it and later in it's physical symptoms. As a matter of fact, I will give thanks for it! I will say, THANK YOU for showing me that perfection isn't everything! And in no way, am I willing to let it steal my joy or lessen my self confidence, because there is only one me...only one person who is exactly like me. And I like me... exactly just how I am... thank you very much.
I hope this helps some people.
Such a joy to read...