What a refreshing change of pace for me. Life is handing me a bowl of cherries...pits and stems removed. So many lovely blessings...1,2,3///I am counting them as we speak. I loved my day today. I feel free. I know that I can have everything I dream of in life: The perfect home, love-life, career satisfaction. I can, I must. There is only one time we travel these roads of life and during it we must suck the marrow...dig down deep into the depths of our souls and reveal to ourselves what we must. Our paths are to be paved...by us. I am creating a new place for myself in the world. I feel enthusiastic and excited about its revelation.
When I reflect upon my past...from childhood I have always wished to see myself as special...not average and not invisible. I had no idea how to achieve this type of life. Now, I do. Now I have that kind of life and I proudly proclaim to the world, "I am here!". I do this by offering love to everyone around me...as much as I can and as often as needed. In each interaction I ask myself, "what is this person looking for?". Do they need sympathy? Empathy? Love? Advice? Direction? a wake-up call? A mother? A sister? a compliment? Encouragement? Maybe they just need good customer service and a bit of kindness...courtesy. I deliver it. I have become so astute with reading emotions of others and also about interpreting my own that I wonder what my past thoughts even were...they seem to be the thoughts of an entirely different person. I don't know her. I don't remember her. But I do know that everything that has happened, will happen and is happening all at once. Everywhere and everything combine.
I have also discovered the wonderful gift of humor...and of not taking myself or my life too seriously. I find the ability to chuckle at my undesirable moments and my faults. It is refreshing to take this approach with myself and others. I know that my inner thoughts become the words I speak and these reinforce to the universe that which I want most. The Universe is always listening to me and hence my thoughts are powerful. My thoughts achieve for me the success that my life will later come to reflect. What a wonderful knowledge I have acquired. My faith attracts all good things to me. I am not afraid to try anything new with this kind of support on my side.
I love the people in my life. They make such a difference to me. They reflect the love I show. They reflect the glow I beam. They give as much as I do. They care as much as I care for them and all these come into balance with ease and no effort. When situations arise where things become unbalanced, I spend extra time in meditation for clarity and to let my spirirt rise to its higher self. In my "higher" state of clarity, it is easier to see solutions to situations that could ultimately be frustrating to me or others. I find myself solving many problems now that I have never been very effective at before. I owe this in part to the support network surrounding me from home to work. In my family structure, I have many people to support my goals and enrich my life. In my work, I have a mixture of autonomy and wonderful leadership. I see myself as an effective leader.
When I wrote about the Love I give out being reflected back to me, it made me think just now about how at times, the reflection is un pleasing to me. Sometimes the person reflecting it back affects what I see. For example, there is a certain pisces person whose watery nature offers a blurred reflection back. His watery qualities always seem to distirt things when they reappear to me. there are elements of truth but the blurry at best.