Thursday, July 28, 2011


You have to vent sometimes...because you are only human.  I love people.  I genuinely love the people in my life.  I choose them to be there and because they are there...because I answer when they call and because I care...I notice.  I notice the stress and strain that life puts on people, myself included.  I have been under pressure here and there this past year or two.  It's nothing I cannot handle, but occassionally I need to "vent" a little bit.  This is not to say I need to wallow around in my bad feelings and my frustration and complain to every ear that will listen...but occassionally I do that too!  The Law of Attraction has shown me that doing so only perpetuates those dark feelings.  But!  Here is the clincher!  IF you fail to release the pressure as it builds will certainly do as much harm as complaining!

Letting off steam...venting....speaking your mind...all are healthy behaviors when done in moderation.  I can let stuff build until I explode, believe me!  But it only causes painful hard feelings.  If I am being totally honest, my stress comes from my kids and their Dad.  But it's the kind of stress that is not easy to eliminate.  It's the kind that is going to keep coming back over and over again and so I need a healthy outlet for it.  I considered becoming a runner.  I don't LIKE running, but it is strenuous exercise and that is the best kind to engage in when you need stress-relief because you become so engaged in the task that there is little time to dwell on other things.  On the contrary if I walk...I can dwell like crazy if I want to!  It takes more discipline to walk then to run because I have to control my mind and that is the harder one to do!

Since the beginning of the summer, I have not had ANY time to meditate.  Now I know how that a big fat excuse.  HOWEVER...this has been a really important learning opportunity for me.  I have learned that somethings are so very crucial to our peace and tranquility that we must literally purge ourselves of sleep and other comforts and seek out the place and time to attend to our my case, my spiritual needs to meditate.  Because of the children being home from school for Summer Break, I face tremendous demands from them for my time and then for cleaning and organizing to keep my business functioning.  In addition, with so many people in the house and using every inch of space, there is no where to go to meditate.  The children who come here and do not rest during my allotted "Quiet Time" create difficulties for me in getting a peaceful and undisturbed space of time to relax and meditate.  After the close of  the daycare day, I still have my 2 children who never leave my side and their father who reluctantly does his part and that is very little in the way of managing them so that I can get a break. Even when I leave the house to run errands, my children are with me.

My venting has already made me feel better!  Thanks for listening...I am going to try and find the quiet...not right now though, because it's POOL time for the kids....SOOOOOOO...maybe tomorrow?  5am?  Ya right!  Ok...there is a slight chance I might get up that early.


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