Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012. The year of rebirth (for the planet)

Happy New Year! (2012)

I have been reading many remarks from friends, particularly on Facebook, on what they are wishing for in the 2012 year.  Many hope for a "better" year.  It's true, 2011 was a tough year.  We are in the birthing period of something greater then all of us and it will cause life as we know it to be radically altered.  This much I know because it comes from my Source and my "source" is feelers pick it up and then others confirm.  So today I must speak about my Spiritual Side and My Beliefs.

To elaborate more clearly, I will start by telling you my story...the story about why I really left AAA in 2009.  When I reopened my Daycare at home, it was out of fear, not faith.  Now, in 2012, I am running the daycare from the heart and not from fear.  I am not sure when along the way that shifted, but it did so inside of me long ago.  Along that journey from 2009 to now, I am sure that I pleaded for divine intervention at least once.  And my asking (wholeheartedly) always lead the answers directly to me.  Now my questions are easily answered, because I know how to use my guides and Sources.  I rely on the Light, the Universe, and I trust the Laws that govern it and the Love that created it.  That Love that caused creation lives within each one of us and we must reconnect to it!  I will say that again because it bears firm repeating...We MUST reconnect to it!

For a while I have thought I was at the bottom of a wave being crushed.  I have allowed myself to believe that for too long and so have felt inferior to others.  I can no longer feel this way now that I see that our world is trying to change radically to become more aligned with it's own source.  The world and I have the same goal!  And it is a painfully difficult birthing children.  I would know because I have done it twice and it is very painful.  But when you recover, you see the blessing that is there...all brought about by LOVE.  In 2012 we must let the love flow freely person to holds jealousy and anger and meanness.  We MUST reconnect in a proper way.

Now I am not saying that I need to reconnect as in, to socialize.  I mean to reconnect spiritually.  First with ourselves, and then in how we relate to all people around us and to every important area of life like our health, our food, our medical needs, our exercise, our conversations, our work and our choices overall.  In 2012, money will not mean what it has always meant.  I have been thinking about what I value and what has value to me.  This is tough because I have been really trying to love money but I just cannot.  I therefore cannot attract money to me for this reason.  I love having money to use to get what I need to or to give something to another person, but I do not love it enough to store it away!  For now, I am going to desire what I need and not money in particular.  I started doing this a year ago and the most wonderful thing actually happened!  It worked.  You see, sometimes in the daycare I would be running low on something and then I would just let go any negative feelings I had about it and just ask the Light to provide what I need, like for instance if I needed a gallon of milk.  In a short time it would be given to me or I would resolve my need.  This is an example of allowing the simple basic things to be a gift...a miracle...and a spiritual blessing.  So for me, the milk arriving became a gift from My Light.

This concept needs to be applied daily.  Meditation daily is needed.  Couple that with yoga and a proper diet, light eating...will clear the mind and keep us focused on that aspect of being blessed and not being in need!  We can honestly survive with so much less than we utilize or even desire!  In my opinion, the experiences we have and what we can feed our mind and soul are the true life we are intended to live.  Our hunger should be fuels the desire for truth.  My New Years Resolution is to be HUNGRY.

Fear will get us nowhere.  It is urgently important to get to this mental place where we allow peace to exist within us, thereby raising our vibration to a new level.  We must do this collectively in order for it to have the necessary impact on our planet as a whole.  But perhaps it is a good technique to begin being more mindful then ever about people in foreign places around the world over.  We need to love them deeply in our hearts...feel that we are one people and one planet because there will be a shift in power and we will find that it is easy to connect and relate to them.  Our country is not the only people that matter.  Our family are not the only ones who matter.

So 2012 will be busy.  I am still making my plans!  I plan to work and strive to be greater...and hungry!  I resolve to be stronger.  The strongest I have ever been.  I resolve to meditate and clear my mind.  I resolve to eat natural foods and lose that taste for sugar and fats.  I resolve to really listen to what people are saying and genuinely understand them before making any decision about them or what they need.  I resolve to meet the needs of every person who asks me for anything.  I resolve to be the Light for people around me, and as Ghandi advised, "To be the change you wish to see in the world"


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